Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Who is filling your needs????

Who is filling your needs???

Being in a blended family can be very challenging. One of the reasons, and the main reason, is the fact that the majority of blended families were not created in the right order. What do I mean by that? Well most blended families are the product of premarital sex, divorce, living with someone before marriage, and adultery. These are things that we usually like to forget about and just want our families to be perfect. But these are things that must be factored into our problems so that we can find our purpose. This message is not to bash anyone but to encourage someone! Thankfully we serve a loving and forgiving God. But we have to put in work!! A lot of times we just stand on what we feel. We feel that God has blessed us with a man/woman without consulting Him and just believe that our family will be blessed and without trouble. Your family can be blessed but you must put in the work. God designed things in order and He designed us for relationships. We get in trouble when we seek a relationship with others before we seek a relationship with Him. The result of this is frustration because we are seeking others to give us this love and fulfill our needs that only God can fill so we are putting unfair expectations on others then getting upset when they are unable to fulfill. When you seek a relationship with God first, His love overflows and gives you the strength and the capability to love others, even the unloveable!! Having issues in your blended family???? Try seeking a relationship with God first and allow His love to overflow in your life and cover your blended family!!